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Most Popular Expository Essay Topics

Expository essays explain something rather than take an opinion. Students and professionals must both evaluate and investigate their specific topic so that they can make arguments clearly and concisely. While all types of essays can be used as a means for assessing student capability, expository essays are most often used as assessments, most often in a college setting. Practice makes perfect – but so does finding the right topic.

Some topics to consider are listed below. While it can be difficult to write on a topic without forming a strong opinion, it isn’t impossible. Definitely try to pick a topic that you don’t feel strongly about and try your best to avoid hot button issues.

Popular Expository Essay Topics

  • Explain why moving frequently impacts children. With much data available on the impacts of frequent moves, this topic is a great option for simply explaining causative links and facts.
  • Explain why team work is required in the workplace. Again, using specific facts and data, this topic can show reasoning and facts associated with decisions made by businesses.
  • Explain the consequences of getting a low score on the SAT. Using the numbers provided yearly by prominent institutions, as well as anecdotal information found online, compile the facts that tie acceptance rates to test scores.
  • Explain the impacts of prenatal care on the health of mothers and babies. With medical information available on the internet, and many studies linking prenatal care to increased successful births, this topic can be compiled easily using causative medical data.

Regardless of your reasoning for choosing a topic, it is important that you choose one that you can easily stay on task while writing.

Don’t pick an inflammatory topic – Topics that most people have a pre-established belief about are typically good to stay away from. It will be hard to write without coming across with your opinion.

Don’t pick a hard to research topic – Since expository essays rely on the review of data, it is harder to write and stay on task if you have to create your own filler information. Pick a topic that is well documented and studied.

Do pick a topic that you haven’t researched before – If it’s new to you, you are less likely to come across as having a certain opinion. Plus, research will be more interesting as it is all a new topic for you to review.

Do pick a topic that others haven’t chosen – Reviewing information that is new to the classroom will also help as it won’t come across as boring or tired. Always try to start fresh with a discussion topic that no one else has chosen.
